Happy New Year to everyone! I hope that everyone had a great holiday.
I am eager to get the athletes back into the gym for some serious training as we only have a few short weeks until the 1st Ontario Cup in Oshawa. Here are the updates for this weeks schedule. I will post a new January schedule on the blog this week.
NATIONAL 3:30-5:30pm with Don. Provincial level tumblers who train with the National group are to come during the Provincial time today and tomorrow for the training camp. So Cory, VaNessah, Olivia, Nikki, Michael, and Marle please come for 5:30 to 8:30pm.
PROVINCIAL 5:30-8:30pm Training Camp. We have some guests coming from other gyms and we have a special guest coach coming from the Stoney Creek Zacada Circus school. Please bring $3.00 to cover the cost of the guest coach.
PARENT VOLUNTEER NEEDED to be the hall monitor during the 5:30 to 8:30pm time slot. The office will be closed so the viewing area is usually closed. If we can have someone to simply monitor the door and upstairs then parents can sit and watch. Please let me know if you are available to help out via e-mail or leave me a voice message at the gym. Thanks in advance.
NATIONAL 3:30-5:30pm with Don and Niki. Again Provincial tumblers should train 5:30 to 8:30pm.
PROVINCIAL 5:30-8:30pm Training Camp. We again have some guests coming from other gyms and we have a different guest coach. The guest coach is a previous Olympic Level Diving Coach from Kahzakstan. She presently runs her own diving program in Etobicoke and was one of my competitive diving coaches. She will be instructing the group on flexibility and conditioning. Again $3.00 should be brought to cover the cost of the guest coach.
NATIONAL 3:30-5:30pm with Don and Niki.
Back to regular schedule.