Again if you have any questions or conflicts please send me an e-mail and we will try to see what we can do.
Tumbling Program Parent Meeting June 17th, 2009
Congratulations to all the tumblers who were offered spots in the tumbling program for the 2009/2010 season. We do appreciate your dedication, loyalty commitment and enthusiasm for our tumbling program. By implementing the ‘Re-Tryout’ and ‘Tryout’ protocols we are not trying to be mean or unsupportive of those athletes that we have been working with and developing over the previous year (or years). Our program is a competitive program with a limited number of spaces. We are simply trying to ensure that those athletes who are the most deserving of a spot on the team are receiving those spots. If at some point we do ask your child to leave the program this may be thought of as a good thing allowing the athlete the opportunity to explore other sports where they may be more suited physically, mentally or socially.
With regards to the “Summer-Long Tryout” for those athletes in the Provincial CB and CBA groups we have accepted 20 athletes, which is four more than our ratios usually permit. We have done this because we would like to keep everyone if possible. We believe that everyone we have offered a spot to in the 20 person group warrants an extended opportunity to prove to us that they deserve a spot and that they want a spot. If by the end of the summer training we have found a way to keep everyone then we will do what we can to make sure that no one is cut; however, if we feel there is reason to let your child go from the program we will be letting you know mid summer and discussing reasons why and what might be done to avoid this situation. It will not come as a big surprise at the end of the summer. We will communicate with you on this matter. If you have further questions about this protocol please send me an e-mail.
Summer Attendance: During the summer session we expect 50% attendance as a minimum. We would prefer that your child attends 100% of their scheduled classes but we understand summer schedules are far more diverse and we would hope that kids take the time to enjoy summer camps, weeks at the cottage and time with family. Please send me an e-mail with the dates that your child will not be at tumbling. Low attendance in some groups on specific weeks may allow us to accommodate other athletes who have summer training conflicts and permit them to make the minimum number of training hours.
Fall/Winter/Spring Attendance: During the school year we expect 80% attendance as a minimum. Obviously the less your athlete trains the less they will progress and the less they will be prepared for competition. It is in your best interest to have your athlete at the gym as much as possible.
Violation of Attendance Minimums and Removal from the Program: If Niki and I choose to remove an athlete from the program then your contract with the club will be terminated at that time and you will not be charged a 2 month contract breaking fee. If you choose to leave the program before the end of the season for whatever reason including failing to make the minimum number of attendance hours required you will be charged the 2 month contract breaking fee. We cannot hold spots for athletes who do not attend the program. If you have schedule conflicts that will prevent your athlete from reaching the minimum attendance requirement but wish to remain as part of the tumbling program please e-mail me outlining your situation.
Schedules: Summer Schedules and a Tentative Fall/Winter/Spring schedules have been distributed. We understand the logistical difficulties that families encounter by receiving these schedules in June as summer camp registration and vacations need to be booked several months in advance. Please note that we create our schedule with careful consideration. We realize that there will be conflicts and we have outlined how we are attempting to provide concessions for these conflicts.
Viewing Area Closure: During the summer months the viewing area may be closed in the evening so there will be no parent viewing. Your child will be let in at the sliding glass doors at the front of the club and be ushered out at the end of their session. When the viewing area is closed no one is permitted in the gym lobby for safety and liability reasons. Our apologies for the inconvenience that this might cause.
September Meetings: In September we will have specific meetings with all the individual tumbling groups so that we might address items that are unique to each group of athletes. Explanations of the competitions and structure of the competitive season will be discussed at that time.
Weeks Off: June 27th to July 6th, August 22nd to September 10th
Active Rest: During the rest periods we expect athletes to remain active. We will be giving the tumblers a checklist of activities to do during their off time in order to keep them fit.
Nutrition: Niki will post a Nutrition Fact Sheet on the blog at some point soon.
Sponsorship: Athletes are able to search for sponsors to offset the costs of training and competitions. The OGC is working of creating an up-to-date sponsorship package for all competitive athletes. Please enquire if you are interested in sponsorship.
READ THE BLOG REGULARLY: Very important that you keep up-to-date on the blog. It is the online bulletin board for our program. Everything is archived there so you can go back and pull any information that you might need. http://ogctumblingprogram.blogspot.com/
Competitive Registration: Registrations are due now so please get all forms into Agnes immediately.
Any questions can be directed to: dholmes_tumbling@hotmail.com