Sunday, January 8, 2012

Abs for Cash

I have mentioned a new idea for getting us all in shape in the Tumbling and Acro Programs.  It's called Abs for Cash.

We are essentially having a 'Best Ab's competition.  Each contestant puts in a twoonie and the winner gets half the pot whereas the other half goes towards buying more ankle weights for the gym.  Ankle weights are always in need and often disappear to the bottom of pits, under mats and fall apart easily as they take pretty rough treatment.

There are five categories of competition:

Athletes Girls/Women 17 or Under
Athletes Boys/Men 17 or Under
Athletes Women 18 and over/Coaches/Mom's
Athletes Men 18 and over/Coaches/Dad's
Over 50 years (one category)

We do not need before photos but if you would like to submit them you can.  I have already started logging photos of myself to show the ultimate transformation from Christmas Chubby to March 1st Muscle Machine.

On (or around) March 1st we will have an Ab'stravaganza where all participants are expected to show up with a t-shirt that has a hole cut out where your abs are so that we can see the rectus abdominis that you have chiselled over the two months of effort.

We all have New Year's Resolutions of getting fit, eating better, and leading a healthy lifestyle so that we can be a role model for our kids, our parents and our friends.  Now is your opportunity and you are not alone.  I will be posting my efforts.  We will be supplying you with ideas on ab exercises you can do at home with little or no equipment so that achieving leaner abs is possible for all.  

Let's go OGC.  Show the rest of the community that we have great abs (they're just wearing a jacket right now).  

To register simply submit your twoonie in a sealed envelope with your name and category on it to Don by the end of January.  

'Ricardo thinks he's going to beat me. lol" Don Holmes

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